Discount is available on one clear choice purchased and installed parts. Not available on home owner purchased parts from third party installations.
Drums purchased from one clear choice $81.98 labor: Tear down rebuild and balance torsion assembly $150.00. Discount available $-69.00
Drums purchased from "on line" $15.42 - no warranty labor: tear down rebuild and balance torsion assembly $150.00. (no discount available on parts not purchased through one clear choice)
Garage door torsion drums are under extreme pressure. if you are not a trained professional we do not recommend working on your garage door system. you must complete our disclaimer in order to purchase items under tension.
I am always amazed when i hear people say. “I called another garage door company and they told me that drums don’t ever go bad.” Seriously if you hear that. Run!!! Kick them out of the garage they do not know what they are talking about.
Garage door drums are made out of a soft metal from a mold.
Many companies will replace the drum and not the cable because the cable is in the beginning stages of failure “roping.” and it is easy to change the drums with a spring job but changing the garage door cable takes more effort. This is wrong. The old cable will quickly deteriorate and continue wearing the garage door drum. Change your cable.
If a cable comes off the drum, do not try to fix it yourself. We can fix this problem for very little more than a door service $98.00. Therefore, let a garage door pro do the work. Garage door off track situations above stage 5 are almost always caused by the home owner trying to fix the garage door problem themselves.
How do customers prevent a garage door off track condition? Garage door service and regular maintenance can prevent garage doors from coming “off track. Garage doors service and garage door inspection should be done twice a year according to most manufactures. A professional garage door service should be done any time
Garage door openers are built with sensitivity settings that are designed to alert you of potential problems. Older openers made it really easy to adjust the garage door opener “force” settings.
The opener force settings should never be turned up in order to overcome a problem with the garage door that should be resolved with a garage door service or repair, but home owners and un- professional garage door technicians alike used the force settings as a quick fix to cover up a bigger problems.
Ultimately putting the entire garage door system at risk for severe failure such as a garage door off track situation.
New garage door openers have addressed this problem. While still easy to adjust the settings in the opener when needed it is harder than just a thoughtless turn of a screw driver.
Garage door and garage door opener manufacturing companies recommend professional garage door and opener service at least once a year.
If you have an opener that is older than 10 years a new opener could be a good idea to remove the risk associated with older openers that have not been serviced regularly or properly.